*DVD Track Listing:
1. Life’s Railway To Heaven featuring Stephen Hill, Woody Wright, Joyce Martin Sanders, TaRanda Greene
2. The Tabernacle featuring Marshall Hall, Sue Dodge, Kim Hopper, Amber Nelon Thompson, Karen Peck, Three Bridges, Woody Wright, Sonya Isaacs Yeary
3. Heavenly Sunrise featuring The Hoppers with Reggie & Ladye Love Smith, Charlotte Ritchie, Gene McDonald
4. Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored featuring the Gaither Vocal Band, The Gatlin Brothers
5. Heartbreak Ridge And New Hope Road featuring The Gatlin Brothers
6. The Old Rugged Cross featuring Ben Speer, Mike Allen, Judy Martin Hess, Reggie & Ladye Love Smith
7. The Other Side Of The Cross featuring Jimmy Fortune, Dailey & Vincent
8. Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho featuring The Martins
9. His Eye Is On The Sparrow featuring Larnelle Harris
10. When He Calls I’ll Fly Away featuring The Chuckwagon Gang
11. I’ll Meet You In The Morning featuring Calvin Newton, Gene McDonald, Guy Penrod, Ben Speer, Bill Gaither
12. In Christ Alone featuring The Booth Brothers
13. This Ole House featuring Gene McDonald
14. Until Then featuring Janet Paschal
15. Do Right And Come Smiling Through featuring Stan Whitmire on piano
16. Didn’t It Rain featuring Ben Speer with Ann Downing, Jeanne Johnson, Sue Dodge, Gene McDonald
17. Heaven’s Jubilee featuring Gordon Mote, Michael English
18. Sheltered In The Arms Of God featuring Homecoming Friends
19. Too Much To Gain To Lose featuring Rambo McGuire with Buck Rambo
20. Help Me featuring Russ Taff with Reggie Smith, Gayle Mayes, Angela Primm
21. Blood Of Jesus featuring The Collingsworth Family
22. Consider The Lilies featuring Charlotte Ritchie with Becky Isaacs Bowman, Sonya Isaacs Yeary, Joyce Martin Sanders, Judy Martin Hess
23. Sometimes I Cry featuring Jason Crabb
24. That Sounds Like Home To Me featuring the Gaither Vocal Band
25. Then Came The Morning featuring Guy Penrod
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